Jacob Gildenblat
Co-Founder and CTO
DeePathology.ai develops digital pathology products for diagnostics and for pharma research.
Before DeePathology, Jacob was the leader of the deep learning group at SagivTech.
Jacob has a BSc and MSc in Electrical Engineering from Tel Aviv university.
Common problems in the process of developing AI solutions for the medical field are highly unbalanced datasets on one hand and limited annotation resources on the other hand.
The use of Active Learning can dramatically help with both issues.
The task of Cell Detection is very important in digital pathology. For example, analyzing the quantity and density of immune cells can provide important indications on the progress of cancer.
This is a tedious task when manually done by pathologists and thus, automating this process is desirable.
Automating cell detection requires annotating large amounts of data, which is usually very unbalanced.
The DeePathology.ai Cell Detection Studio is a do it yourself tool for pathologists to train deep learning cell detection algorithms on their own data.
Using this tool, deep learning cell detection solutions can be easily created by the pathologist very quickly.
In the talk we will use the example of the DeePathology.ai Cell Detection Studio to demonstrate how Active Learning can be used for medical imaging annotation.
We will also present our approach for using active learning with unbalanced datasets.